Message to Our Patients / Mensaje para Nuestros Pacientes

Dear Manos Juntas Community,

As the Board of Directors of Manos Juntas, we want to reaffirm our unwavering commitment to you—our patients, volunteers, and community. In light of recent events and discussions surrounding healthcare and immigration policies, we understand that many of you may feel concerned about what the future holds, especially as our personal identities are increasingly used as political pawns. Please know that we see you, we value you, and we are here for you.

Our mission has always been to provide compassionate, high-quality care to everyone, regardless of their background or immigration status. We are committed to ensuring that Manos Juntas remains a safe and welcoming place for you and your family to access the healthcare and support you need. We are here to serve you, and we will continue to advocate for inclusive healthcare policies that allow all individuals to access essential services with dignity and respect.

Mental Health Services. We also want to remind you that mental health support is available. Our team, including our mental health providers, is here to offer care during stressful times. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need support.

Thank you for being part of our community. We are honored to serve you and stand beside you as we work toward a future that prioritizes health, equity, and inclusion for all.

With respect and solidarity,

Board of Directors

Fundación Manos Juntas


Estimado Comunidad de Manos Juntas,

Como la Junta Directiva de Manos Juntas, queremos reafirmar nuestro compromiso inquebrantable con ustedes: nuestros pacientes, voluntarios y comunidad. A la luz de los eventos recientes y las discusiones sobre políticas de salud y migración, entendemos que muchos de ustedes pueden sentirse preocupados por lo que depara el futuro, especialmente cuando nuestras identidades personales se utilizan cada vez más como herramientas políticas. Sepan que los vemos, los valoramos y estamos aquí para ustedes.

Nuestra misión siempre ha sido brindar atención compasiva y de alta calidad a todos, sin importar su origen o estatus migratorio. Estamos comprometidos a asegurar que Manos Juntas siga siendo un lugar seguro y acogedor para que usted y su familia puedan acceder a la atención médica y el apoyo que necesitan. Estamos aquí para servirles y continuaremos abogando por políticas de salud inclusivas que permitan a todas las personas acceder a servicios esenciales con dignidad y respeto.

Servicios de Salud Mental. También queremos recordarles que hay apoyo disponible para la salud mental. Nuestro equipo, incluidos nuestros proveedores de salud mental, está aquí para ofrecer atención en momentos de estrés. No duden en comunicarse si necesitan apoyo.

Gracias por ser parte de nuestra comunidad. Es un honor para nosotros servirles y estar a su lado mientras trabajamos por un futuro que priorice la salud, la equidad y la inclusión para todos.

Con respeto y solidaridad,

Junta Directiva

Fundación Manos Juntas

Board Officers

Jackson Higginbottom, MPH, President

Aneesh V. Pakala, M.D., Medical Director

Kris Barnes, Vice President

Lee Smith, Secretary

Dat Pham, Pharm.D., Treasurer

Board Members

Mickey Crittenden, MD

Lubna Mirza, MD, FACE

Jennifer Pham, Pharm.D.

Daysi Reyes, M.D., M.P.H.

Sarah Tran, D.O.

James L. Green, D.O.

Shaylin Daji, M.S.

Khuong Nguyen

Volunteer Supervisors

Phoenix Hollenbeck

Hannah Tran

Saylor Berglund


Anoushka Mullasseril, M.D.

Connor Colaw

Mulan Tang

Kathy Nguyen

Arely Hernandez

Avery B

Mariah Eisenhour

Rig Lozano

Carli Medina

Sebastien LeClaire

If you are a volunteer and would like to add your name, please complete this short form:

Jackson Higginbottom, MPH

Jackson Higginbottom, MPH, is a public health practitioner working at the intersection of behavior change, health communications, health program design and evaluation. He is a Program Administrator at the Community Alliance for Research & Engagement (CARE) and the Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center at the Yale School of Public Health (YSPH), where he leads COVID-19 communications, serves as the lead evaluator on an urban agriculture project, and advises on the design, recruitment, and evaluation of several community-engaged research projects.

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